Across the board, interest rates have continued to rise, some company quarterly earnings have plateaued or fallen, and tensions in Eastern Europe wage on. So why the late-year rally?
VISIS team member Katie Robinson has recently moved into the Private Client Adviser role following the successful completion of her professional year and becoming an Authorised Representative of VISIS.
After gaining her bachelor’s degree in property economics, majoring in applied finance and economics, Katie joined the VISIS team a client services officer in 2018.
Deciding to pursue financial advisory as career, she completed a Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning, requiring two years of part-time study, and passed her Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA) exam.
“Previously, to become an authorised representative, you only had to study a Diploma in Financial Planning. It’s a self-paced course online which took me around 4-6 months to complete, and there was no pre-requisite for any university studies,” Katie explains.
“Now, you must study an approved degree and you are also required to complete a professional year of full-time work experience in client facing roles, supervised by an experienced adviser.”
Having undertaken a year of client facing work under the supervision of VISIS founding partner Chris Smith, Katie progressed from the Associate Adviser role to become a Private Client Adviser in June.
“Katie performed exceptionally in her role as an associate financial adviser, developing sound advice for VISIS clients,” Chris said.
“I’ve had the privilege of watching Katie progress her career since joining VISIS four years ago and I look forward to seeing her continue to thrive in her new role.”
Across the board, interest rates have continued to rise, some company quarterly earnings have plateaued or fallen, and tensions in Eastern Europe wage on. So why the late-year rally?
With more than half of marriages and de facto relationships ending these days, parents are reconsidering how they structure their wills with testamentary trusts to protect their assets and avoid their legacy ending up in the wrong hands.
Advice you can trust, results you can enjoy.