From humble beginnings sitting around the kitchen table of our Brisbane home working out the name and logo of our business to celebrating a 21st birthday.

VISIS Private Wealth has come a long way and in August our team of partners was joined by more than 300 staff, clients, supporters – and even a few celebrities – at Brisbane City Hall to celebrate.

The event was an opportunity to mark this significant milestone, recognising the hard work and dedication of our team that has ensured the success of our firm. It also marked an occasion to thank our clients for their ongoing support throughout our journey.

Stopping to take a breath, reflect on the wins and challenges that have helped build VISIS into one of Australia’s leading private wealth management firms is important.

We know our technical prowess is exceptional – we play in the field of numbers without fear nor favour. But what makes VISIS even more valuable is our human side, and our work mantra to focus on a people-first approach at all times.

We extend our sincere thanks to every client who has been part of our exciting journey so far, some having been along for the ride from the very beginning. I’m proud to say you are all part of our family and look forward to continuing our partnerships for decades to come.



VISIS team member Katie Robinson has recently moved into the Private Client Adviser role following the successful completion of her professional year and becoming an Authorised Representative of VISIS.

After gaining her bachelor’s degree in property economics, majoring in applied finance and economics, Katie joined the VISIS team a client services officer in 2018.

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