During 2021, we hit milestones, grew our client portfolio, and expanded our team. A major highlight of the year was celebrating our 20-year anniversary – it was humbling to look back at where we started two decades ago as a husband-and-wife dream born out of a home office. Now, we’re one of Australia’s most respected and awarded financial advisory organisations. For those who have strung along for the journey since our early years, we appreciate your continued support. For anyone else who’s joined us along the way or if you’re just getting to know us, we are grateful you are all a part of the VISIS story.
2022 will certainly be a fascinating year as the world moves into the third year of handling COVID-19. Effects of the pandemic on a national level has affected interest rates, property prices, financial positions and more. We’ll be on the lookout to foresee changing economical effects and strategically deliver the best financial advice to help our clients and supporters be on the front foot when it comes to investment management, accounting and tax services.
If you’re looking to grow your wealth this year and beyond, consider adding these five investment areas to your watchlist. And remember to spread the word to anyone needing proactive financial advice. As always, we offer a no cost obligation-free consult to see how we can help Australians navigate any challenges and enjoy their lifestyle.
As the months roll on, I’ll continue to share company updates, financial tips, industry insights and professional musings so come along and be a part of the journey.
From the VISIS team to you, thank you for your support thus far and all the best for the year ahead.
And remember, if you’ve made any financial-related New Year’s Resolutions, keep these five tips in mind to ensure you stay on track.

Fresh off the back of the announcement to raise the royalties on mining companies in Queensland, in other words establishing their very own “mining super profits tax” the Labor Government has turned its sights on the rental income of Queenslanders by increasing land tax on property owners.